I can't help but grin when listening to this! I know I'm not very active online and all, but I'm still very pleased to be included in such a great production!
I can't help but grin when listening to this! I know I'm not very active online and all, but I'm still very pleased to be included in such a great production!
I've been doing the Rick and Morty NFT bit with my friends for the past 2 months and it's great!
Aw, shucks
May cause credit card theft. LAmo
Glad to be a part of this! I was pogged out of my gourd when some of y'all said you liked my voice.
It's especially hilarious when you hear both your characters talking in succession. I had no idea until yesterday.
Everyone's performances were stellar! It was very fun to be involved in this collaboration and I can't wait for part 2 with y'all!
We are so glad to have you aboard Proceed! We can't wait to see what you bring to the table in Part 2!
I wish I could take my own voice seriously for long enough to make something I'm proud of.
Great job Corey.
Thank you Proceed! I’m glad you liked it! Trust me, there’s times where I’m recording where I don’t take myself seriously and just bust up laughing 😅 thanks for the support!
Amateur maker of sounds.
Let me be in your cartoons!
Age 24
Joined on 12/23/15